BUILD Sub-team Responsibilities: Drive Train, Communication with Programming and Electronics Sub-Teams, Build Shipping Crate
PROGRAMMING Sub-team Responsibilities: Programming, Drivers, Communication with Build and Electronics Sub-Teams
ELECTRONICS Sub-team Responsibilities: Design Board, Make Wires, Improve Electronics, Heavy Testing
WEBSITE HISTORY ANIMATION Sub-team Responsibilities: Website development and updates, newsletter articles, photographs, video, scrapbook
SAFETY Sub-team Responsibilities: Safety Rules and Requirements
BUSINESS Sub-team Responsibilities: Business Plan, Finance, Corporate Relationships, Mentor Appreciation, Scholarships, Marketing, Brochures, Buttons, “Booth” Pit, Spread the message of US FIRST
ART Sub-team Responsibilities: Logo Design, T-shirts and Banner
Our team will meet during evenings and weekends over the next six weeks to build our robot, Super Awesome Machine (S.A.M.). We are asking for your help to make a difference by feeding a hungry team for one meal (20 persons maximum).
Key Benefits of Sponsorship:
· Your business will be prominently credited (text, logo) in the following locations as applicable to sponsorship:
o Dynamite Robotics website ( under Sponsors and Partners) and press release.
o Dynamite Robotics “booth” pit location during the DC Regional Competition.
· You will be invited to join us for team events and special celebrations.
· Your company’s volunteerism and visibility in the Oxon Hill community will increase.
We don't just want to get our rookie robotics team to the Convention Center in February. We want to establish a strong, successful program around our team. You can and will make an impact. Please let us know one way or another if you can help feed our hungry team. FIRST is all about partnerships. This one will be really amazing!
For more information or to get involved with Dynamite Robotics, contact:
By email: or
Visit our website at