BUILD Sub-team Responsibilities: Drive Train, Communication with Programming and Electronics Sub-Teams, Build Shipping Crate
Robot Strategy: Offensive Robot
Priority: Moon Rocks
Description: S.A.M. will utilize a conveyor belt system to retrieve loose moon rocks on the field which will lead into a container with an adjustable floor, enabling the orbit balls to be released on either side.
Autonomous: Drive straight ahead
Priority: Moon Rocks
Description: S.A.M. will utilize a conveyor belt system to retrieve loose moon rocks on the field which will lead into a container with an adjustable floor, enabling the orbit balls to be released on either side.
Autonomous: Drive straight ahead
"Being a part of the robotics team has given me a great experience and great exposure to the technology field. Looking back on the season, robotics has allowed me to learn how to construct machinery and make a lot of new friends. It takes a super awesome team to make a SUPER AWESOME MACHINE".